hm, yeah it's Christmas again and i'm feeling fucked as usual. no plans. nothing on my hands. and feel like eating durians. hm, read those three lines freaking rhymes. but actually i don't eat durians, so yeah, screw me for saying that. why am i in a bad mood but in a very funny, satirical way? well, you nincompoop of the universe, be glad that i'm not freaking being myself and writing about some chick whom i kinda like but can't fuckin get. yeah, i'm always pissed during the festive season. why? cause com'on, nobody knows what occasion i celebrate. and it's not deepavali you screwhead. contrary to popular belief i don't celebrate that day. i celebrate vesakhi...nope not vesak...vesakhi. it's complicated i know. but hey you don't like it, go dig yourself with a colorful melting candy cane. we don't even get a freaking day off, not that i need it cause i know i can have a day off whenever i feel like it. but you know, i feel like having the option or knowing that i have the oppurtunity to goof around while other assholes are working their buttholes off.
Sea Camptalking about buttholes, here i am, sweating my ass off and all of a sudden i smell instand noodles seasonings. nope, not the instant noodles. just the seasonings. weird huh? well, that's what i smell. hm, was kinda wondering, did i actually talk about sea camp? and all that other shit. sea camp was freaking fun. especially the bbq and the dragon boating thing. with the moley captain (i did not give him that name, someone else did) and the apparently cute whiny guy (i did not give him that name either, the same person who came up with the moley thing did). then there was two other guys, one who was super 'clumsy' just for our own rovers entertainment, and some guy who was slightly quiet but thought to be having bad attitude when actually he's okay. i have no comments though. i wouldn't want to. i wouldn't want to comment on those protein-shakers, 11-times-a-week-rowing, big shot acting bozos. yeah...but there's another reaason why the dragon boating and bbq was fun. shit, my food was stolen during the bbq. what the hell...all my chicken wings which i made so nicely. but at least i had my share. then i went to reflect over my life for a while on some boat thingy. hm...let me share with you some meaningless pictures for a while.

the beautiful scenery that could just be about the best way to reflect upon your life.......or you could do what i thought of...take your girl for canoeing (single canoes) in the late afternoon to see the sunset...then you guys just raft up together and then watch the sunset while her shoulder is on yours while you'll are enjoying a bottle of champagne.

this is like a good picture for 'O' Levels Picture Discussion.
Q:what is happening here?
A:a bbq wtih 3 girls at the back eating food of wooden satay sticks and there's also two girls struggling to put food over the fire while one guy is in the camera's view trying to make sense of it all.
Q:what's gonna happen next?
A:sticks go flying, fire get's burning, and a thousand scouts will appear from nowhere and start singing 'father abraham'.

here we have, our lovely food being nicely barbequed to a lovely and edible texture.

here we have our lovely food on fire, burning to a lovely burnt crisp and a cancerous texture.
Pioneering Day
well here's a kind picture album mosiac thingy shitty thing. enjoy.

my Stand Alone tripod catapult (the tri-pult!!!) which was tall and easy to build. too bad the loading was abit too hard. but hey it worked. when it was launched, it almost hit someone with the water bag and with the mess tin - and that someone was me.

the instructees cataput which was the main launcher used during the war. it didn't hit anyone however, only the people behind. but it was kinda close to some of the instructors who we were supposed to hit.

the instructors catapult. with a hammock tied together with it just to for them to relax in while we were finishing up our own catapults. it was actually one of our second plan, if the tri-pult didn't meet the instructors requirements or just didn't impress them. but we went with the above structure instead.

debrief by toh wee. or was it the start of the catapult war. hm, forget already.

our hard work at the end of the day. it did show us where we did not do so well in like communication and all that. but pioneering day was fun. but it would have been more fun if we could actually build a playground.
hm...recently been training running. running at school mostly cause all the amenities are there and can have free, i'm feeling superly singaporean. hey, if you guys wanna go running anywhere, let me know alright. i won't disappoint you.
hm, i'm gonna do another blog later. for my venture mates. i know it's all democracy and i don't wanna change your decisions about anything but i just wanna let you know what i feel will be right for the flow and i have my reasons for saying so.
alright, merry christmas and a happy new year to all those celebrating this over-rated festive occasions. new year resolutions anyone? i'm still thinking of mine. it's hard. cause i want to think of something that must take a whole year. not something that can be done in a day or two like making mama happy and all that shit. peace muthafloopers.