Keep Pushing, You're Almost Free.
alrighty...first day of semester 2. and surprise surprise!! my stats lecturer is a guy!!! like seriously, i thought the lecturer was a female. then heard the sound of a guy. yeah, i was stunned too. hm, alright i'll start of with my eventful day.
okay, i got this instructor again. some dude so big he hardly fits in the seat of the car. right, started with warm-up in the circuit. my warm-up was like for more than a half an hour in the circuit, which just sucks cause i'll be cruising at first gear most of the time or second gear if i feel like it cause there's just too many cars to consider jumping to the next gear. you need to brake alot and sometimes you even need to brake suddenly immediately cause some jack-off doesn't know when to drive off and when to stop at the stop line which is so clearly painted infront on the road. some of the times, the jack-off is me. but hey, i'm not as bad as the other learners on the road. and it sucks also cause if you just brake immediately and you just need to react as a human being for a minute, you will kinda react by letting go all the levers including the clutch and in case some of you don't know, when you just throw the clutch or let go the clutch without any acceleration, your engine stalls. and i hate it when my engine stalls. cause i know that if my engine stalls one time, then i know that the second and third time won;t be far away. and it's a stupid feeling to have your engine stall at this point of stage. and i only stall my engine it the circuit nowadays. but since i never stay in the circuit for long, i do fine outside.
alright, then today we learnt turning right and changing gears when turning on the move. and then it's like at first i need some getting used to cause that's the first time i'm doing it. so after like god knows how long i was in the circuit, i finally got outside on the public roads. so what i had to do today was turn right mostly and also lane change alot. so at first i was doing fine. then came into those busy roads. so i had to lane change two lanes. and after that i needed to turn right. okay, so i'm in third gear or something, going at about 50 plus kmh and infront there's this lorry. and then i'm looking for a safe time to change lanes. but it was kinda hard cause apparently the cars behind was going faster than me. and i knew they weren't gonna let a learner driver have his moment of accomplishment by changing lanes successfully so i didn't change in the end. then this was the conversation that took place:
Instructor: don't need to turn here naujoth (yes he calls me naujoth, beats the shit out of me even when i told him my name is Nerve-joe-t). turn left infront. you know why you can't turn?
Me: cause the cars are too fast?
Instructor: cause you're too slow (i agree actually). they are going at the right speed. you need to catch up with them if not you will never be able to turn. got it naujoth (again with the naujoth)?
Me: got it.
so after turning left, he asks me to turn lang change and turn right. same thing have to change two lanes. as after turning the left, i sped to like 60plus-70kmh and then after than slowed down to change. then the next roadway, i began to change up gear again. 60kmh. 70kmh. 75kmh. 80kmh. 81kmh. i was about to go faster but red traffic light. damnit. and the thing is, this instructor was different from all the others i got. cause the others would know when i'm going above 70kmh and when i do, they would say "control...control". but this guy. apparently he loves speed. but i hope never get him again. naujoth. i'll show you who's naujoth.
okay, got to school, met jia le, rosanne and lynn and went to school. took taxi from bbdc, thinking i would reach there earlier. but apparently, in the morning, all the good taxi drivers are out. they drive at 50kmh, they drag their freakin second or at the most third gear, they brake way earlier. and they give way!!! and i was like, you seriously shitting me. when i'm wanting to have a nice, smooth drive with no preferance of the speed, the freaking drivers drive like they are attempting to break their own personal best of speed and overtaking maneuvers. and when you need to be on time for something important, you see your taxi driver, smiling, waving as if he was selected to be the 'Be courteous on the road, pass it on" ambassador, and you're just in the back, banging your head against the head restraint, wearing the seat belt for no clear reason. anyway, reached, and like i said, found the lecturer to be an indian guy. swear the whole class is gonna get indianized. first with naz, then with krishanaramamurthy the indian accouting einstein, and now by this dude with the black typical hindu mustache. then after that, wanted to gym but found the gym to be crowded. so went to walk around for two hours plus. after lunch, realised Fundamentals of marketing isn't that bad, what with the new funny and slightly eloquent lecturer, reminding me a little of myself. then came to accounting and lo to behold, the same lecturer, the same lecture theater and the same taglines, "we're behind schedule", "we are late" and the two-hit combo "please don't talk class, we're late".
after all my lessons, went running. and damn, i realise how weak i am, training wise for running. gotta train harder. yeah, and then now i wanna talk about something. someone.
okay, this girl has been on my mind for more thn a year now. ever since i saw her, my heart went gedabak-gedebuk. and it still does. even more. the way her hair falls right in place especially when it's messed up or just loosely going everywhere. the way she runs around, if not on the track or field, then in my mind. the way her smile shines so brightly even under a straight face. there's just so many things about her. oh...oh...oh...the only girl who has made me sincerely acted cute. and seeing her around almost alot of times is just's just not right. cause the more i see, the more it beats me why i like her. but i don't mean to sound like a dick...but i know her first line she will say if i ever do come up to her, which i doubt i know how to do, "i'm not really ready for that". yeah. heck, and don't worry guys, i'm not like one of those shit heads who stalk them to the very core, or jsut stalk them at all. respect whoever you're out after or just basically respect everyone. bloody stupid coneheads. anyway, to her...awwwww man. so many things that should be said, but the words that i am thinking of saying, jsut don't do justice. lately i just feel like going nuts over her. seriously going nuts. crazy. can't stop thinking about her. damn, am i going crazy. it's been a year!! shouldn't like this thing inside of me be going down? but why has it been so that it hasn't? but anyway, you know what. i don't want it to. but awww, seriously. i...have...NEVER...felt like this before. and this is probably gonna be sounding like the scariest shit ever. maybe, maybe not.
P.S. should i have write it all down? is it a mistake? was it a mistake? too late now.
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