Monday, April 30, 2007

I'm Correcting My Errors And Disabilites So Just Bear With Me For The Moment As I Do A Sound Check For My Own Mental State Of Mind...Do I Make Sense?'s been a long time since i last blogged...partly because i've been doing quite alot of studying lately and plus i've been youtubing alot too. what have i been searching for on youtube? Parkour and freerunning and all the stuf related...

yes...i'm thinking know...taking up's's cool...and above's a form of expression...yeah...of course, i have to understand the dangers and all that...but first i really wanna learn the backflips and all that...gotta ask that teacher...

shit...i screwed up my english paper...wrong format for the letter mind got blank when i wanted to write the compo...'Rage'...i had a perfect starting in my head...but i needed the flow...i wanted to write that i told my friend's secret...but i dont know what secrets do girls don't want people know...i asked the teacher that and she decided to play hard to get....i mean...she didn't want to answer that...hmmm...just a question...answer la..

hmmm...this will probably be one of the shortest blog i've ever written...don't worry...i'll be back..with one of the longest blog ever...muahahaha

Monday, April 16, 2007

It Appears To Me That My Frivolous Ways Of Expressing Myself Sounds Offensive And Chauvinistic To A Certain Group Of People And For That, I've Changed

i dunno what came over me...the past few weeks...each week encompassed a different feeling. two weeks ago, anger and impatience. a week ago, chauvinistic and crude remarks towards the guides of manjusri, which appeared offensive to some of them. why some? because the rest either were too lazy to confront me or they hadn't read it yet...note that word 'yet'...i'm still expecting more shit from the guides and their supporters about my previous blog entry. anyway, i think this week, i'm leaning towards the emo side...yes...i'm feeling depressed and disturbed. i might explode (with emotions) very soon. this week's campfire meeting...complains from some people i heard...let me see...i haven't attended the last two meetings...see what's going to happen...i'll talk about this later...


i've stressed on this topic for quite a while just now...i don't think i need to further elaborate on this freaking topic...but i think it's true...emotions are going to take over me competely...and if i'm not careful, i might take down innocent bystanders while on my path of destruction of all the obstacles in my way. so guys, if you're reading this...let me just put up my apology in advance.

Sista Guides

seems like i went slightly carried's my apology...i'm sorry...i'm sorry that you are so narrow-minded...can't take jokes...can't laugh with seems like there is something wrong happening..if i were to just exaggerate the truth to just make serious stuff stop laughing..instead you take out all your evidence about the other party (me) and accuse me...i'm not guilty of any crime. if you ain't happy with anything i write, you can't stop me from writing, but you could stop yourself from reading...but of course you can't stop reading...because just lika useless fashion trend, talking about you will end eventually. oh...and get ready...for the campfire meeting...

Campfire Meeting

...cause i'm coming...hmmm...been a while...just found out the emcees are two people who i thinkis rather okay only la. sure one of them has the enthu i feel, but the other doesn't really think has...i wish i could be an emcee...but i could be either one of the worst or best emcees. i don't stick to scripts. i'm super enthu. i might get stagefright or i might straightaway be rocking the crowd....hmmm...but about the two emcees...have to it's like two't we have a scout up there? i'm not saying the guides are incapable...infact they are quite capable...but it feels weird...cause a scout needs to be up there cause since this is a combined effort by the ventures and the guides and plus also there should be a male correspondent to compliment the girls and 'tease' the guys...that's what i feel...and since there is alot of legshakers around...get one la...dont you agree guys? never mind we'll talk about this on sunday...

and we'll also talk about my pre-show...ill shout in your face if that is what it will take to get the entire plan into your's so's quite good to have a a crowd that the emcee wouldn't have to waste time warming up the crowd...i'll explain more properly on that day...don't worry...

hmmm...i wanted to write more...but i feel this sudden urge to turn off the computer...i need next blog entry...about girls crying..a very important issue...cause i saw quite a few girls cry this whole week...


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

While I'm Still Alive And Kicking, I Might As Well Take This Oppurtunity To Say What I Really Feel About The Lovely Yet Dangerous Guides Of Manjusri.

I'm still breathing...ahhh...carbon monoxide...lovely...

okay, i may have sounded quite politically correct in my last this time, i'll try my best to say what i really feel

Guides...I Like You And All But...

okay, i don't really want to do this..but i do. the guides are okay. but they seem to have these AC attitde. act think you are cute...sorry...wrong answer...i need you to understand are not cute...adorable? not really also. maybe a bit...9.34% adorable. you mostly just annoying..not only me...some other people also think so...i would not disclose their names as they prefer to remain anonymous...once their names are revealed, i won't only have guides outside my door, waiting for the perfect chance to pounce and tortue me, but my agents will also be there...working hand i hand with the guides.

the guides are great...i wish i was a girl sometimes...then i could be a girl guide...cause it's so easy to get what you want...i'm not sounding chauvnistic here...but...hey...that's the truth...if you're a lady, you can get whatever you want by just undoing your first button and bending over...if a guy were to to do that towards a girl, the girl would probably be turned off by his chest hair, unless she has a fetish for hairy people...

if any of you girls do have a fetish for hairy men, you know who to find...

anyway, some girls try to take advantage of their god-given physical attributes to hypnotise guys and get to borrow some ipods and stuff like sucks cause since we are guys with heavy-duty testosterone...we can't say's a curse...testosterone..cause sometimes, we never get what we want...eventually maybe, when we are 26 or whatever...then we get it and won't need to give anything in return...or do we?

anyway, it's not all the guides who are like's only a's up to me to point this out to all the other guides in such a way that i have to make them change their ways...either that, or they should just STFU...

hmmm, i don't wanna recieve alot of hate i'll stop here...for today...

for the new guides...i'll be here always...if you screw up, it'll be written here...if you do good, i'll write here...whatever you do, i'll write it down...but don't worry, if you ask me to tone it down...i'll try my best..but sometimes doing our best is not always possible..

GOH Training

crap..stupid band...don't even know how to do what they are supposed to do properly...marching in, drum beat so slow, like a funeral procession...marching out, so fast like they having techno party...then general salute, the wind section totally out of tune...felt like laughing...but mr lai kept looking around and judging from the way his eyebrow was positioned, i felt i should not...i only began to laugh when we went into the FUP ground...ahhh...relive...laugh like crazy...then wasted my sir was there...prevented me from screaming at my scouts...arghh..i feel so empty..never scream...argh...need to let it go...don't come on thursday...don't come...i want to scream...

scouts, marching stll sucks...but improve...very screaming has that the only way for you to know why scouts still suck...girl guides are still better than you...why?!!! girl guides don't seem to e exerting much effort and they are already doing very of the best i've seen, maybe? but the scouts...make me wanna organize footdrill remedials everyday till you beat the npcc, ncc...and guides...

hmmm...shall stop here...basket...kena lecture about my previous blog entry by someone..sounded too insulting towards a certain group of people...hmmm...never mind...for those who feel offended...tell me...i'll have a nice conversation with you...i won't scream at you like how i scream at my scouts...unless you're my scouts...if you're my scouts...then i'll make you vomit you dinner...


Thursday, April 05, 2007

I Sit Under This Bright Light, Sweat Pouring Down My Forehead While Fear Grips Me Tightly While I Talk About The Manjusri Guides In The Only Way I Can

okay...what did i say i will talk about today...?


oh yeah...the singlehood i's a trend to have close friends and take them out on individual 'dates''s like you know you're friends and if anything happens...hey, you're just closer friends...i mean why waste out time and sexual chemistry on's bs man...ifor you noobs out there, bs is more thing...enjoy singlehood...let me tell you why in point form:

- you get to look at other girls without having been pinched by your girl (unless your girl is bisexual, then you both can happily look at the chio bu)

- you will see that your bank statement will be the non-heartbreaking

- you will be able to go home early...well...depends really...okay...this point doesn't matter...

i can't say much of the other stuff as well, censorship restrics me from doing so...anyway, i'm enjoying me fun...i get...oops, i won't say that..if not i'll get hate mail from people and the guides of manjusri will have another reason to hate me...

Manjusri Guides Company

anyway, guides of are pretty good-looking...compared to some of the seniors...i won't say which senior...why? cause those senior, i presume, should have mirrors at home and can conclude for themself if they are more atractive or their juniors...should i be saying this...why am i giving the MJR guides more reason to hate me..? maybe because i can turn hate into destruction..muahahahaha..okay...i'm not okay at the moment...

but the guides of manjusri have one thing which i hate...and to prevent me from being hated even more by the guides, i will not disclose it...but the guides are better than the scouts in marching...stationary drills's a close battle, but the scouts are leading...but marching...the girls in blue (nope, not Girls Brigade...girl guides) are marching frward towards the battleground...hmmm...too bad...the goh of guides..hmmm...espeicially **** *** and ******* and ******************************************....not so good..but room for improvement..but who am i to comment on the scouts march like they just came out from coma...all lembek (weak) and always have the dying look when on the parade grounds...they must be trying to be on the Black Parade..

Sec 1 Scouts

hmmm, the scouts are doing well...though there are some with attitude problem...i don't think they will pose a threat to the growth of the Red Fox Scouts...they might even make the unit proud one day...but first, they have to be tekan-ed...i don't mean it as a form of pleasure for's discipline instillment and the lesson of 'when to shut up and listen to your senior'...but it's so cute to see their faces when tey don't know what they are supposed to do under the pressure of the seniors...those facial expressions are priceless...ahhhh...

In All

hmmm...everything seems nicely done up today...still room for improvement...hmmm...guides of manjusri, sorry...but if you wanna borrow the parangs and axes from the scout den and chase after me with could do so on Monday...this coming 2.20...if you need a parental consent form, you could just visit...i-don' download the pdf file...guides...


P.S. Guides i'm just kidding..please...i'm a young boy with a bright future with lots of stuf for me to accomplish...give mea chance...i can be good...i want to be good..i want to receive presents from santa...well, not really...but you get my point...oh-oh...better call my insurance agent...