I'm still breathing...ahhh...carbon monoxide...lovely...
okay, i may have sounded quite politically correct in my last post...so this time, i'll try my best to say what i really feel like...now
Guides...I Like You And All But...
okay, i don't really want to do this..but i do. the guides are okay. but they seem to have these AC attitde. act cute...you think you are cute...sorry...wrong answer...i need you to understand this...you are not cute...adorable? not really also. maybe a bit...9.34% adorable. you mostly just annoying..not only me...some other people also think so...i would not disclose their names as they prefer to remain anonymous...once their names are revealed, i won't only have guides outside my door, waiting for the perfect chance to pounce and tortue me, but my agents will also be there...working hand i hand with the guides.
the guides are great...i wish i was a girl sometimes...then i could be a girl guide...cause it's so easy to get what you want...i'm not sounding chauvnistic here...but...hey...that's the truth...if you're a lady, you can get whatever you want by just undoing your first button and bending over...if a guy were to to do that towards a girl, the girl would probably be turned off by his chest hair, unless she has a fetish for hairy people...
if any of you girls do have a fetish for hairy men, you know who to find...
anyway, some girls try to take advantage of their god-given physical attributes to hypnotise guys and get to borrow some stuff...like ipods and stuff like that...it sucks cause since we are guys with heavy-duty testosterone...we can't say no...it's a curse...testosterone..cause sometimes, we never get what we want...eventually maybe, when we are 26 or whatever...then we get it and won't need to give anything in return...or do we?
anyway, it's not all the guides who are like this...it's only a fingerful...it's up to me to point this out to all the other guides in such a way that i have to make them change their ways...either that, or they should just STFU...
hmmm, i don't wanna recieve alot of hate mail...so i'll stop here...for today...
for the new guides...i'll be here always...if you screw up, it'll be written here...if you do good, i'll write here...whatever you do, i'll write it down...but don't worry, if you ask me to tone it down...i'll try my best..but sometimes doing our best is not always possible..
GOH Training
crap..stupid band...don't even know how to do what they are supposed to do properly...marching in, drum beat so slow, like a funeral procession...marching out, so fast like they having techno party...then general salute, the wind section totally out of tune...felt like laughing...but mr lai kept looking around and judging from the way his eyebrow was positioned, i felt i should not...i only began to laugh when we went into the FUP ground...ahhh...relive...laugh like crazy...then wasted my sir was there...prevented me from screaming at my scouts...arghh..i feel so empty..never scream...argh...need to let it go...don't come on thursday...don't come...i want to scream...
scouts, marching stll sucks...but improve...very good...my screaming has worked...is that the only way for you to improve...hmmm...you know why scouts still suck...girl guides are still better than you...why?!!! girl guides don't seem to e exerting much effort and they are already doing very good...one of the best i've seen, maybe? but the scouts...make me wanna organize footdrill remedials everyday till you beat the npcc, ncc...and guides...
hmmm...shall stop here...basket...kena lecture about my previous blog entry by someone..sounded too insulting towards a certain group of people...hmmm...never mind...for those who feel offended...tell me...i'll have a nice conversation with you...i won't scream at you like how i scream at my scouts...unless you're my scouts...if you're my scouts...then i'll make you vomit you dinner...