Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Crowd Was Cheering For More, Slamming Their Computer Tables With Their Hands, And If That's Not A Reason For Me To Return, I Don't Know What Is.

enough...i'm back...yes..feel it...ahhhh

okay...guess much has happened during my entire absense...i've been crazy over dating, studies (well not really) and other stuff.

hmm...i think nowadays i'll write shorter...cause when freaking pop-ups pop up, it's quite hard to enjoy my epc masterpieces.

i've exposed myself to more metal stylings...doom metal, unmelodic metal, foriegn metal...stuff like that...but i'm not say a total metalhead...i listen to inspirational songs...always trying to see how it will sound like if there was metal influence addedto each song.

okay, talk about dating...enjoy singlehood...yes...enjoy it...cause when it's gona regret it baby...i've went on 15 dates over three months (some not considered dates actually, but what the f***)...and the commitement...holy el toro crappo...shit that shit (huh?!!)...anyway, wouldn't it be better if we all developed this abstinence from dating...see how long we can live without actually going for plan is to have close, good friends and take them out's a trend...i'll share more of my wisdom over this topic tomorrow...

anyway, failed my a maths, comb sci and case for you dufuses out there who don't know what humans's not the study of human but instead, it's know..the subject that puts you to sleep the fastest...see, you learn something new everyday from culda...

well, sadly...culda has to go bye bye right now...i'll talk more tomorrow...i know it sounds quite disorganized right now...but hey...i'll make it more wonderful-er tomorrow...yes tomorrow...
