Saturday, July 29, 2006

Third Entry (or isit Forth?)...The Big One Jr.

the Big One Jr. . the NDP preview. everything was set to look great that day. unfortunately i was wrong.

this week we had to come half-an hour earlier. it was damn crap...just because they wanted us to do some shit...coming at 8.30 was redundant...all we did was just run up and down in the Scout Association Carpark. there was barely space for us to even breathe. i was sweating even after a few mins of running. wow...that's a first. because of the time to fall-in being early, i was thinking of getting a cup of coffee to go. when i got there i found out that it hadn't opened yet. god damn it. then i had no choice but to just proceed to the SA. there i just got a tin of red-bull which lasted for 3 mins.

upon reaching the indoor stadium a few hours after falling in at the SA, we placed our stuff at our designated places and went for the first set of rehearsals for that day. that was when quite a few changes were made. the right markers was asked to look to their right...meaning 'take our dressing' from the Girl's Brig. then we were also told to really really compact ourselves when we were forging out and in. then there was a time when the RSM took over and did the pom-pom thing...the timing and cue stuff. it was quite funny as he had this quality in him that made him unique. and because he had no mic and he to command one row (4 contingents) part of the red cross con and the girl guides couldn't hear no shit. so they were targets of jokes besides the RSM.

anyway...i'll skip all the B.S. and head on down to the main shit. the preview was going fine the whole way (except for a few minor mistakes/problems, like for eg. the Parade Commander was tongue-tied when he was asking permission to march off the parade; another thing that happened was that a girl from propnex (i think) fainted and the poor lady was on the floor for at least a minute before the medic came running down)) until the forging out bit came. the music was combined (maybe they were trying to be like linkin park, a reanimation of the music with a two-for-the-price-of-one effect) and the double drum beat came togetehr with the marching out music (which is for the Guard of Honor). everyone was wondering when to move. but then came another drum beat and the girl guides went off while the other cons followed behind.

hey...the girl guide didn't come today...there's this guide..but she doesn't seem to be there alot. playing hard to get maybe. well, guess it's true what they say about the guides. what you don't my next upcoming entry to find out what is said about guides.

hmm...kinda boring huh...this blog? maybe because i'm falling asleep..shit it's 12.49...gotta go and sleep. maybe i'll try to make my next entry lively and crappy at the same time.

well goodnight..



*something written straight from my heart and mind*

What Is Courage?

Courage is waking up every morning, expecting the unexpected. Confidence is alone without courage. You are strong not by your muscles or by your brain but instead by your heart, where courage lies. Courage is what separates the daring from the weak, the lively person from the paranoid and insecured. Courage is something which can be built stronger day by day. It is unlike the qualtity of gangsters, for gangsters are like a mouse when confronted alone. But it is different when someone is being protected by another, for the someone is showing courage by trusting the another to protect that someone. Losing courage is like losing a part of your life. Losing a part of your life is like losing a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, forever incomplete and having a sense of emptiness, thus you will feel imperfect, not beautiful and longing for a sense of completion.

If someone said that having someone to protect you means you're weak (if buying you coffee makes you feel dumb), then that person was obviously lying through his teeth as he himself is not courageous by making such a statement. Having someone to look over you, to be your sense of strength and lending a shoulder to cry on means that you are without a doubt a courageous person, as you have endowed trust upon someone and beliving in someone makes you courageous.

Maybe this is too much for you to take in, but read it slowly. Every sentence was carefully weaved together but this masterpiece is still in the making as it is missing a big part.


Words will only tell what one wants to say, but to have you trusting one is the final pattern in this masterpiece.

Do you understand one if one were to speak like this? Do you know what one means?

What is courage?

This is courage.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

2nd Blog...kinda confused(blur)

okay...first of all...i was kinda deliberating whether i should continue with this blog...the first one didn't make sense...had to much angst...i think...

okay...i'm kinda a headache...there was a war in my mind for the entire month...bombs were being thrown all over...part of my brain cells were blown up in the my thinking speed has been slowed down by 64.231%...too exact eh?

haiya...i won't say i'm kinda confused...i'm very confused...can't decide over some stuff...can't say those stuff on here...i don't wanna jeopeardize anything right now....just wanna see how it flows first...might turn out to be something great...but...she might be better...but she looks cute...but she looks hot...but she looks tall...while she looks many girls am i talking about...4?5?...nope...actually...i'm not really sure...

well...i was kinda anticipating todays test...was kinda confident..but so confused was i that i did the wrong question...the wrong graph (no wonder it wasn't a cumalative graph)...well...time to anticipate a red...wait...

i just thought of something...wouldn't it be cool to have a a rock band that does jazz, pop, hip-hop, rnb and other types of music all clashed together...a new age rock...i dunno...i was listening to system of a down (they rock...too bad can't really understand them...but rk on dudes) when that idea popped into my head...rock+jazz=???

maybe i'll try to make it work somehow...which reminds me...i forgot what i was reminded of...what i...argghh...forget this paragraph...gotta find myself a cure...

*remembers X-Men: The Last Stand "they wish to cure us...but i say we are the cure"*

ok...i think i'm going to log off insides are having conflicts right now...i have to be the appeaser or whatevr they call that guy...the peace guy...the hippie...whatever...i can't think any do the thinking...might be back soon to blog...yes...i might blog more...
