Sunday, February 08, 2009

We Fall Into It, We Fall Out Of It, We Don't Understand It, We Can't Understand It, We Can't Help It, We Just Do It, Love Is Complicated.

staring at the sky in the middle of the night with only a few stars to guide the lost and lonely, sometimes on certain occasions, i can't help but picture someone's face in the black canvas above me. depressing sometimes it may appear to some, but to me and other people who share the same habit of looking to the skies for a clearer picture of life, it's just dealing with the insanity of daily life.

i know there have been times where i have played with emotions and feeling of others and now i have started to feel that i am to be subjected to the vicious cycle of being the one being stamped into the dust.

i have started to know the meaning of love. and to love is to start to have a passion for something. and beginning to have a passion for something means to foster a commitement. these are the values that have to be fostered and inculcated in everything that we do from now on.

i was watching this movie earlier on, it was a depressing movie. about this girl who gets married to a guy and then the guy dies. well, there's more to it. but the thing that i wanna focus on is how the girl couldn't get over her husband's death. leads me to think. will i ever love anyone or get loved by anyone to such an extent that even if the worst were to happen, would love for one die? the commitement dies, the passion dies...the love dies? i don't know about that. this are all just thoughts...for us to think of.

i remember i had such a nice time with someone...but too bad, the wrong things were done. thus it lead to disaster from there. i never meant for it to happen. but shit happens. but anyway, it was amazing. and now that i know what it takes, it's all cool.

but then again. we have to think about this. do we love someone because he/she is everything we like about and fancy? or do you love that someone just for the company? just for company?

i see that i become more curious. but more you know, the more you get scared. for example, the more you learn about what can set a girl/guy off on a anger rampage, the more you caution yourself.

knowledge is power. power corrupts. so thus, is knowledge the root of corruptibility?



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