Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Commando Scouts Are In Training And All The Stupid Talk About Stupid Stuff Like Girls Has To Go Cause I Need To Be Serious...And Sadisitc.

okay, we can't stop ourselves from being sadistic. we just like to see certain people being tortured. it could be your friends, siblings, juniors or even your dog. well, try not to be sadistic to dogs cause well, i'll report you to the SPCA. well...kinda...

anyway, commando scouts. yep, THE commando scouts. that's us. me and some of my dudes from RF are trying to be the elite. trying to be the Commando Scouts. ok, i'll shut up and tell you what we mean by commando scouts. it boosts our morale. it makes us go the distance. it makes us stand out among all the other scouts. commando scouts have an unbreakable fighting spirit and practice discipline with every move and command. we have perseverance and determination in every difficulty that we encounter. more mottos and aims and laws coming up.

commando scouts really is cool.

well, anyway, in order to uphold the pride of being a commando scout, we have to be strong, we have to be sadistic and most of all, we have to be disciplined and matured in every way. we have to be serious. i'm showing my f-ed up face now.

well, only my classmates would know how my f-ed up face looks like. well, if yous just wanna see it, just call me...

hmmm, really don't have much to say except, i miss ndp...i really's been what...2 months...but it still feels like i had a training today. oh yeah...on friday, there was the alarm or mobilisation as it's called, and i all of a sudden got so excited. i began looking around with a wide smile across my smile. i then smsed some of my dudes who were from ndp and told them to get ready for the forging in. okay, yeah, that's lame. but i was so sad after that to know that tomorrow i'll be having a freakin test instead of enjoying ndp practice. missing the food, the enciks, the girls....hmmm....

i miss ndp...mostly every part of it. and yesterday what made it more like a actual ndp reahearsal was the natural effects. like the thunder was the 21 gun salute and the fire-of-joy. then the lightning was the the people of singapore taking picture of us. well, i was so caught up in the monemt i started to slowly drft off to other things and i got more sad...haiya

well, commando scout has to go and sleep now. probably write a longer post tomorrow or something. hm, i just realized something. how long can someone, after being subjected to lengthy calls and many types of communications, live without communication?




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