Chastine's Partial Freedom - Her 18th Birthday, Her Coming Of Age Only To Drink And To Club At Certain Places And Other Stuff Like That.

Welcome ladies and gentleman...

The beautiful chocolate cake from bakerzin which was torutered and gang-banged in a few moments time after that.

The Birthday Girl - stunned? shocked? oh no, she's making a karin would say 'i WONDER!!! what chastin wished for?'

the cake that got mercilessly massacred into bite-size portions for own eating and face painting purposes...

...and this was the weapon of choice.

Group Photo - Edwin (looks like he time traveled, cool effect), Weng loke (mr cool in white polo), Ke Jie (mr cool in blue polo), Me (behind, grabbing chastine's head and boxing her head), ansel (next to me, tip-toeing?? haha, bad place to stand i think), Wei Xiang (next to ansel, hm, he looks lost and scared), Chastine (being grabbed by her head and boxed by me), Hui Min(acting innocent), Ming Jun (behind, usual freaky smile), Melissa (no comments)...

awwwwww.....classic pose...(look at the thought bubbles...even more classic...amazing how their arm and hand postures tend to be similar?)

something is happening here...between the two girls...and the other seems happy about it...hmm, interesting

power ranger formation? or the new backstreet boys dance choreography?

actually, supposedly, the guys were supposed to be cool, but the shutter went off earler and the only person to be caught in the 'right' pose was ming jun...a**hole

Culda (The Visionary Pleasing Department)

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