Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Won't Say I'm Mad Over You, But Even If I Am, Do You Really Need A Reason For That, Cause If You Do, I Don't Have One.

alright, another long day. shorter than yesterday, but still long.

hm, mst was not bad. maths. i didn't know question 1a, 2, the box whisker and something else. yep. paper is over 50. wonder what i'm gonna get. for those questions, i crapped. my answers were like 'i'm not too sure" and stuff like that. even literally drew a box with whiskers for the box-and-whisker question. hm, alright...can't wait to go through the answers...then the whole class is gonna know my answers. damn should've done it properly. damn! hm, gotta work for this and then get through the semester. do super well for semester end test. yeah, gotta get a good GPA. GPA is everything now.

Work Stuff
hm, i realised i'm spouting alot of vulgarities. hm, gotta stop. every vulgar word=10 bucks fine. hm, just when i got no money, i've got to fork out more. woo hoo...make me broke honey. hm, work's slightly better today. just one guy who was like talking like a mouse. hm, saw some of the stuff for tcc menu...hm, interesting...not happy though. hm, why bye bye to that item. what am i gonna indulge in now? hm, i also have been barred from saying 'buh-bye'...it apparently causes guests to puke whatever they had. i must say 'have a nice day" or "goodnight". lame-o.

hm, i admit i have hurt alot of people. really. i' m serious. should i take a look at myself. i already have. i suck. i'm a jerk. how i managed to piss people off to a limit that they hate me, i don't know. i've just gotta really change. who am i trying to kid. i crack unfunny jokes. i am just being insulting. being sarcastic. being child-like. being an immature asshole. i remember how i made some people cry...did i really mean to do it? hm, i felt that i pushed myself...but did i apologise. i did not. hm, please nav, wake up, smell the roses. you wanna get her? please la. look. the only way she's gonna accept you or even go out with you, is if you're not you. get it? i hope i do.



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